Nelson Visitor Information Centre



  • Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects Local Award For Architecture (Hospitality & Tourism)

  • New Zealand Creative Places Award - Built Environment



  • Architecture NZ, Jul/Aug, Vol 4, "Eyesore Becomes i-site", pg 60-61

The Millers Acre Centre Taha o Te Awa provides a new i-Site for Nelson. It also includes a DOC interpretation centre, complementary retail shops, a café, and offices housing regional development organizations. Conceptually, the design links the CBD and Maitai River with a new pathway flanked by two buildings which contain and protect it. The southern building maintains the street pattern and gives strength to the city corner. The northern i-Site building is set diagonally to signal its function and make a spatial interaction with Trafalgar Street. The path between them sets up an attractive sequence of sheltered connections between the i-Site, shops, riverside café, landscaping and public art.

Irving Smith Architects © 2025 | Website by Lucid